Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dead Beat Parents

Dead beat parents should be illegal!!!  Seriously!  You don't involve yourself in their lives, school, sports.  You have NOOOO idea what their interests are, hobbies are, who their friends are.  You don't stop your bad habits or addictions to spend time with them.  And for those addicts they refuse to get clean because they now have this "great" cover up (in their fucked up minds anyways) that they use to dull the pain of not seeing their children.  REALLLYYYY????  Do you ever stop using YOUR children?  Your wants and needs always come before theirs.... mainly because YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEIRS ARE!!!!    Do you even know how old they are.... nope you state their age wrong during one of your 2 minute conversations with them.  That you mandate you have because YOU are the PARENT! They are YOUR babies! Yeah.... only when it's convenient!  You don't support them emotionally, academically or financially.  As a matter of fact you will do everything in your power to dodge child support.  "Why should I pay child support when I don't see them" .... HMMMMM....... because they are YOUR BABIES!!  Oh wait... that doesn't apply here?  That's only when convenient for you too. And why don't you see them... because you choose NOT to!  But somehow that is the parents fault who is doing all of the things you aren't.

Can you imagine what would happen if everyone in Dead Beat Parents lives got together and shared stories?  It was be devastating for them and entertaining and probably vindicating for most.  Which we all deserve after dealing with your years of bullshit and games.  Chances are you would stop fighting at that point which your children deserve... you know a childhood.  That thing you deny them because they are YOURS!  Because that makes about as much sense as our damn judicial system allowing you to stay in their lives just to continue to fuck it up because you share DNA.

The judicial system for dead beat parents truly sucks!  Just as bad as the dead beat parent themselves.  They protect the parents and not the children.... because the parents have "rights".  Yes to FUCK UP children's lives!  That's what they have the right to do.  We wonder why the world today is so screwed up.  All the sue happy people who have changed our laws so they have because so twisted.  Not to mention its not a judicial system in so many places it is the who you can pay off or who is the better bull shitter system.  Yes... gives me hope for our children.  I can only imagine what it will be like for our grandchildren.

This one is dedicated to all the DEAD BEAT PARENTS out there!  May you all find the same big cliff and go for a jog giving the children of today a chance at LIFE :)  Because that is what they deserve and that is what a TRUE PARENT would give them... a LIFE!

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